jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

My Profile

                                                        My name is Ana.
                                                        I am twelve years old.
                                                       My birthay is in November.
                                                       I live in Xàbia.
                                                       I study at Maria Inmaculada school.
                                                       I am funny.
                                                       I have got green eyes.
                                                       I haven't got any brown eyes.
                                                       I usually dance.
                                                       I never play basketball.
                                                       I play  the computer in my free time.
                                                       I don't like yellow.
                                                       I like singing.
                                                       I love dancing.
                                                       I hate the onions.
                                                       My favorite hobbie is play the guitar.
                                                       I can run.        

14 comentarios:

  1. Your dog is very little and very funny! do you remember the film at your house? camp rock!

  2. hello Ana
    my name is Alex.Your profile is very happy :)

  3. Hello Geme :)
    I like your blog !
    Love you Aneta !!

  4. Hi ABR
    I like your profile
    your dog is very precious
    for ever!

  5. Hello sister(L)
    your blog is very pretty
    bye :)

  6. hello ana!!
    how are you?
    your blog is very beautiful!
    bye bye pretty!!

  7. esta molt be aqui etydeixe uns quants poemes inventats per mi:
    amigas tienes,
    amigas tendras,
    pero ninguna
    como la que te va a firmar.

    que bonito es subir al sol, mas bonito es bajar al mar,
    pero una amiga como tu, no se encuentra en cualquier lugar.

    fui al mar,
    pregunte a los peces,
    pero no encontre
    la dedicatoria que te mereces.

    naranjas, naranjas,
    limones, limones,
    yo tengo una amiga
    que vale millones.

  8. your profile is very beautiful .
    love you ♥.

  9. marcos tio que haces ??
    Thank you Carmeeen ♥
