lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


In Murcia it will be sunny.
In the south of Andalucia it will be sunny.
In the north of Galicia it will rain and it will be sunny.
In the north of Cataluña it will rain and it will be sunny.
In Cantabria it will rain and it will be sunny.
In the south of Cataluña it will be cloudy and sunny.
In Ibiza it will be sunny and hot.
In the south of Asturias it will snow and it will be sunny.
In the center of Spain it will be sunny.
In the north of Aragon it will snow and it will be sunny.
In Ceuta and Melilla it will be sunny.
In the Islas Baleares it will be cloudy and sunny.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


My favourite TV programme is the Spanish soap opera "El Barco". I like "El Barco" because ths stories in the programme are real . I also think that it's exciting.

In the series, Ulises or Mario Casas, is teenager. He lives with his father and other people in a ship. He helps the captain and he is in love with Ainhoa.

In my opinion the best character is Ulises. I like Ulises because  he is interesting and handsome.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


Ana likes running
My brother likes playing sport. He usually plays football.
Angy doesn't like staying at home.
My aunt hates making noise.
Maria loves surfing the internet.
Ximo doesn't mind singing.
Sergio enjoys playing football.
Katie loves reading books. She reads every night.
My dad doesn't mind going to the cinema. 
My grandad likes watching TV.  


jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


--Si et deixes l'aixeta obert poden arribar a malgastar-se 12 litres . Mentres et llaves les dents , t'afaites o t'ensabones , tanca l'aixeta . Dutxa't en compte de banyar-te. 
-Una llavadora pot utilitzar fins a 90 litres cada vegada que la utilizes.Un llavaplats al voltant de 30 litres. Quan l'utilizes posa'l a càrrega completa.Si et dutxes tots els dies pots usar la mateixa roba dos dies .
-Si la cisterna del teu bany no és de doble descàrrega, que no t'entre sentiment de culpabilitat. Pots ficar dins una o unes quantes botelles de plàstic plenes: cada vegada que estires la cadena gastaràs diversos litres menys.
-Rega els teus tests sempre a poqueta nit o a l'alba, quan la temperatura és més baixa, i evitaràs pèrdues d'aigua per evaporació. Pots utilitzar per a les teues plantes l'aigua que ha sobrat de les gerres de les menjars, de llavar les verduras... o inclús l'aigua del bol del gos o del gat cada vegada que se la canviaràs.
-En el jardí, utilitza sistemes automàtics de reg per aspersió (de goteig per a arbres i arbustos). Consciencia't: en època de sequera, usar la mànega és un 'delito'. En algunes comunitats ja està prohibit regar parcs i jardins públics i privats si no és amb aigua reciclada. as multes pel mal ús de l'aigua poden arribar a 46.000 euros.  

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


I`ve lived in Jávea all my life.
I`ve travelled to the Virgen de la Vega (Teruel) for skiing, but I haven't been to England.
I`ve seen a Real Madrid Football Club match.
I've been to Madrid four times.
I've seen some famous people: Hueco, Melendi, Estopa, El canto del loco, David Bisbal...
I've travelled to Ibiza, Madeira, Asturias, Zaragoza...
I haven't  played american football.
My brother has won a lot of football matches.
My mum has travelled to Mallorca.
My family and I have swum in the sea.
My friends and I have been yo Madrid.
I have danced ballet.
My dog has played with other dogs.

martes, 4 de enero de 2011


These christmas holidays.....

I'm staying  my family and I'm going to ski on snow. ( Yo voy a quedarme con mi familia y me voy a esquiar a la nieve. )

I'm  having  dinner and lunch with my family in Christmas ( yo voy a cenar  y a comer con mi familia en Navidad )

I'm openoning the my presents in Christmas with my family ( Yo voy a abrir mis regalos de Navidad con mi familia )

PAST CONTINUOUS: Last christmas..

Look for a christmas photo and tell us what you were doing..

Here I was decorating  the table to have dinner on Christmas Eve (Aqui yo estaba decorando la mesa para cenar en Nochebuena.)

In this photo I was eating fish th day on Christmas Eve. ( En esta foto yo estaba comiendo pescado el dia de Nochebuena.)